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The Purebred Arabian
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All over the Arab World horses became status symbols for the rich and powerful.  They were very scarce due to all the obvious problems of raising horses in the desert but Royal and wealthy people took breeding seriously all the same.

Mahomet used horse to great effect in his Holy Wars.  They proved faster and more manoeuvrable than camels.

It was Mahomet who directed that horses should be bred by the faithful (Moslems) so that they would be better prepared to gallop out and spread the Faith of Islam.  The Order from the Prophet, enshrined in the Koran meant that horse breeding began to spread among the Bedouin and the true Arabian breed began.


The Bedouin had to raise their horses under the most difficult conditions.  They were poor but driven on by religious belief.  They had no crops to speak of and rather unreliable water supplies.

Horses were raised on Barley, Dates and Camel’s milk.  Under these awkward conditions, the Bedouin took care to breed only the best possible horses.  The Bedouin’s horses were part of their families.  They ate their food and lived in their tents.  Arabian horses are still animals which enjoy and seek human company.


The Arabian is also a willing and obedient servant.  The legend goes that an ancient Arabian King taught a fine group of desert horses selected from far and wide to come to him at the blow of a horn.  After thus teaching them, he kept the whole group away from water for two days and two nights until they were frantic with thirst.  He then released them allowing them free to go to water and before they reached it, he blew his horn.  Five mares dutifully returned to their master, overcoming their desire for water.  These mares formed the five main strains of Arabian breed and were known as Al Khamsa (the five).  They have passed their temperament on to future generations.


The Bedouins use of their horses in desert warfare meant that they had to develop horses with great speed, stamina and strength.  They had to be tough enough to keep going all dayin the heat.  Modern Arabians still possess these features and the strong hooves which they needed to carry on this heavy work without shoes.  Amongst their other prepotent characteristics Arabians have fine coats and silky manes and tails.  Working in the desert would obviously have been easier without thick matted hair.

Either directly or indirectly, the Arabian contributed to the formation of virtually all the modern breeds of light horse.


reference: AHSA 



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